DNS Africa Ltd (DNSA) is a GBC1 private company incorporated in the Republic of Mauritius and Domain Name Services (Pty) Ltd (DNS-ZA) is a private company incorporated and based in South Africa.
These two organisations fall under the DNS.Business umbrella. Our specialist team comprises domain name industry experts with a diverse range of skills and expertise relevant to the provision of registry services, operations and technologies. Many of our team members have over 20 years’ experience in the South African and global domain name industries.
We are one of the few registry service providers (RSPs) globally that has successfully traversed the gap between the ccTLD and gTLD markets and we currently offer products and services to Registry Operators on both sides of the TLD divide. We have achieved this through the establishment and maintenance of our own expertise and registry technologies, coupled with long-standing global partnerships. We currently provide the back-end registry systems and associated technical support services for the .ZA SLDs (ZACR), the .ZA ccTLD (ZADNA) and several gTLDs belonging to an assortment of global registry operators. You can obtain more information about our organisation, products and services here:
Email: info@dns.business
Facebook: www.facebook.com/AfricaDNS
Twitter: @dns_africa
Instagram: @dns_africa
Website: http://dns.business