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About Neil Anderson
Neil Anderson is It Contractor at Opus Nebula in 100 Wood Street
London, England, GB. Previously worked at Edinburgh Partners as Operations Partner. Opus Nebula is a Financial Services company in 100 Wood Street
London, England, GB with 10 employees
Neil Anderson Social
Neil Anderson Work
Neil Anderson is the It Contractor @Opus Nebula, with experience in Operations Partner @Edinburgh Partners
Reporting as a Service provides investment firms, wealth managers and asset servicers with a world-class reporting solution without the costly overhead of managing, maintaining and developing the reporting system themselves.
Our team provide a fully automated, end-to-end investment reporting solution to investment firms of all shapes and sizes. Once set-up on Reporting as a Service, the investment firm manages and controls their own report production using our powerful suite of user dashboards to produce reports to their precise layout, content, branding and timescale.
Reporting as a Service is a multi-tenant solution securely hosted in the Microsoft Azure cloud. Your data is ingested and validated, commentary added as required, and the reports are produced using our proprietary and fully automated workflow, to bring scale, accuracy and effortless precision to all your investment and regulatory reporting needs.
Reporting as a Service is secure and resilient and available 24 x 7 for your teams to use to produce highly bespoke and individual reports for your clients and investors at whatever scale you require.
Reporting as a Service has a simple model:
Your Data | Your Team | Our System | Your Reports
Reporting as a ServiceKIID DocumentsFund FactsheetsValuation PacksInvestment ReviewsMeeting PapersSoftware as a ServiceAutomated workflowReport storageReport distribution