Our Mandate
Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute (KIRDI) is a national research institution established by the Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute Act, 2022 and mandated to undertake the following functions:-
Undertake research, development and innovation in industrial and allied technologies in; Civil engineering, Mechanical engineering, Electrical engineering, Chemical engineering, Textile technology, Industrial chemistry, Food technology, Ceramics and clay technology, Power resources, Mining technology, Natural products technology, Leather technology, Emerging technologies and Building materials technology.
Advise the government on all aspects of industrial research, innovation, development, technology and policy.
Develop an industrial research agenda based on indigenous technical knowledge, and contemporary and emerging issues.
Collaborate with institutions of higher learning, professional and industrial associations, government agencies and industrial research institutions to advance technology, innovation and development.
Disseminate and facilitate the application and commercialization of research findings and technological developments.
Facilitate the implementation of government policies on industrial research and development.
Establish industrial research and technology transfer centres.
Collaborate with other organizations and institutions of higher learning in the development of industrial research training programmes.
Establish and maintain an industrial technology depository.
Perform any other function related to industrial research, innovation, technology and development.