We are a bunch of multicultural Social Scientists who love to explore mindsets und reveal the unconscious – mostly with qualitative methods and a passion for empirical research striving towards the highest validity of results. Our promise is to provide and guide you with enlightening customer and market insights to make informed decisions.
We reach out to any target with the conviction that everyone can reveal their own truth, provided we…
• create a climate of trust and empathy and show a non-judgmental attitude
• truly listen and care for what is expressed (and pay attention to what isn't said)
• let people narrate from their own perspective before asking further (open, non-suggestive) questions
• assist them with projective and detour techniques, derived from the field of psychology, cognitive sciences and creativity, to gain access to the hidden parts
• let ourselves be surprised and beware of confirmation bias
We also embark on accompanying organizations and individuals with their challenges to train them in creative thinking:
• new product and new service development, to feed the innovation pipeline
• discovery of alternative career paths
• application of the Creative Problem Solving process among scientists
• training in workshop facilitation
Our self-financed annual fundamental research Seissmograph is proof of our continuous investment in people training and method enhancement.
Some of our unique products:
bilingual focus groups, customer journey mapping, path-to-purchase, O2O interaction research, cognitive interviews from criminal psychology for the highest accuracy of details and truth finding, lie detection in consumer explanations, web listening and web semantic analysis, semiotic analysis of all sorts of codes, motivational analysis, U&A, ethnographic interviews via in-home/on-site immersion with film editing, non-participative observation, co-creation with a live sketch artist.