Expert UK Law Firm specialising in:
Serious Criminal and Terrorism Law, Regulatory and Transport Law, Road Traffic Law, Family Law, Immigration Law & Judicial Review.
Vienna Kang Advocates is a trading style of Vienna Kang Advocates Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority UIN: 613068. Vienna Kang Advocates is registered at Companies House in England and Wales under Registration Number 8353057 and a list of the names and professional qualifications of its Directors is available for inspection at the above address.
1310 Solihull Parkway
Birmingham Business Park
Solihull, West Midlands B37 7YB, GB
Legal AdviceSerious Criminal LawRoad Traffic LawPrison LawJudicial ReviewCoronial LawEmployment lawImmigration Lawterrorism lawRegulatory and Transport Law