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About Nandini Sethi
Nandini Sethi is Fundraising Consultant: Events at Branches of Hope Ltd in Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR. Previously worked at Justice Without Borders as Head Of Fundraising. Branches of Hope Ltd is a Non-profit Organizations company in 29 Burrows Street, Wan Chai
Hong Kong, Hong Kong Hong Kong, HK with 16 employees
Branches of Hope is a registered charity since 2012. Our story began when The Vine Church was asked to visit and care for an asylum seeker who was detained. From this point onwards, BOH has served the refugee and asylum seeker community in HK through our The Refugee Opportunity and Development (ROAD) Programme. In 2013, BOH expanded its approach to include victims and survivors of human trafficking under the Stop Trafficking of People (STOP) initiative. BOH is one of the few NGOs in HK that provides holistic support via financial, educational, casework and advocacy. Our goal is to restore dignity, justice and hope to the vulnerable and marginalised in HK.
希望枝子是自2012年創立的註冊慈善團體。我們的故事,由葡萄藤教會需要會見與照顧一名被拘留的尋求庇護者開始。自那開始,希望枝子便透過The Refugee Opportunity and Development (ROAD) Programme開始了為在香港的難民與尋求庇護者群體服務。在2013年,希望枝子以Stop Trafficking of People (STOP) initiative擴張了我們的服務團體到人口販賣的受害者及倖存者。希望枝子是香港少有的會提供經濟援助、教育支持、個案工作、及團體聲援等全面支援的非政府組織。我們的目標是為香港的脆弱及邊緣人群重拾尊嚴、正義、與希望。