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About Nancy Oeswein
Nancy Oeswein has 3 current jobs including Owner at Auburn Moon Agency in 美国 密西根州 Rochester, Vice President, College Division at Creative Talent Incorporated, Product Manager at Vlasic Foods. Auburn Moon Agency is a Entertainment Providers company in 55130 Shelby Rd
Ste C
Shelby, MI 48316, US with 2 employees
Nancy Oeswein Social
Nancy Oeswein Work
Nancy Oeswein is the Owner @Auburn Moon Agency, with experience in Vice President, College Division @Creative Talent Incorporated
Established in 1995, Auburn Moon is the 5 time winner of college Agency of the Year and is proud to have had artists win awards in every category, been seen on every network and are setting trends before you know they exist. But mostly, we love what we do. We love our Artists like they are family and only choose ones with Artistic excellence and a no-diva-attitude. We love our venues like they are old dear friends and we approach this market and this world with a passion and belief that art transforms the world daily. We like to laugh, learn and grow and believe that there is no better education for young people than jumping in and getting messy doing something you love. If we’re not friends yet, we should be.