Green Team is a strategy and communications agency with a mission; to inform, inspire and awaken brands so that people, planet and business can all thrive. We were founded in 1993 and are headquartered in New York, with offices in Australia, Brazil and Mexico.
Green Team works with Fortune 100 companies (Coca-Cola, Mars, Johnson & Johnson, Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines), mission brands (KIND Snacks, Lindblad Expeditions), travel providers and destinations (LAN Airlines, VisitScotland, Dominica, Ecuador) and environmental and social non-profits (Rainforest Alliance, WWF, Audubon, Verite, National Geographic).
We specialize in connecting with a distinct consumer group we identified and labeled as The Awakening Consumer. This is a group of 58 million Americans who are awakening to the need for change, and to their ability to help bring it about by selecting one brand over another. They are diverse, influential, well-educated and well-traveled. We help brands find their way into the hearts and minds of this powerful and purposeful group.