Daadras in a Non-Profit Organization working since May of 2020. Since then we have focused two primary aspect of the society, food and education. Our name holds a promise, a commitment to making a difference in the lives of those in need, one heartfelt act of kindness at a time. Kindness is not measured by the scale of grand gestures but by the impact of each heartfelt act on the lives of those in need.
At DAADRAS, we believe in the power of genuine charity, driven by the simple desire to uplift the downtrodden and bring smiles to faces burdened by life's hardships. Our mission is to serve the people of Pakistan, particularly those living in the shadows of poverty, by extending a helping hand, a caring heart, and a glimmer of hope.
In a nation where the struggle for survival is real, we have taken it upon ourselves to alleviate the burdens of the less fortunate. Through a variety of initiatives, we touch the lives of orphanages, the destitute, and the vulnerable in ways that go beyond the conventional norm of charity. We take pride in being different, and in finding unique and heartfelt ways to make a lasting impact.