PNB Housing Finance Limited (PNBHFL) is a 33 years old public sector housing finance company (HFC), headquartered in New Delhi with branches in major cities across India. The company is promoted by Punjab National Bank and is registered with the National Housing Bank (NHB).
Company’s deposit program is rated FAA+/Negative by CRISIL and AA/Stable by CARE indicating high level of safety. Company is rated CARE AA/Stable and CRISIL AA/Negative for bank loans long term. For commercial paper program, the Company is rated CARE A1+ and CRISIL A1+. Company is rated CARE AA/Stable, IND AA/Stable by India Ratings (Fitch Group), CRISIL AA/Negative and ICRA AA+ with negative outlook for Bonds/Non convertible debentures.
With over three decades of experience in housing finance, PNB Housing has a robust network of branches spread across the country which help its customers avail financial services seamlessly.
PNB Housing enables people to realize their dream of owning a home by providing competitive and easily accessible home loans. PNB Housing provides home loans (for home purchase, extension, construction, improvement and buying a residential plot of land) and non home loans (loans for commercial property, loans against property, lease rental discounting and loans to real estate developers). PNB Housing also offers deposits of different maturities and various interest payment options to invest in highly rated instruments.
The Company excels in providing a complete bouquet of modern services to its customers across all products at competitive rate of interest coupled with features like online home loan application, personalized doorstep service, instant home loan e-approval, customized eligibility programs and many more.
We cater to service requests of our existing customer via our customer service portal hosted at the link below
PNB Housing Finance Ltd.
9th Floor, Antriksh Bhawan, 22 Kasturba Gandhi Marg, Near Connaught Place
New Delhi, 110001, IN
Attractive rate of interestpersonalized doorstep service with a dedicated relationship manager ensuring hassle freequick and transparent processing of loansand home loan up to 30 yearspan India branch networkfacility of loan enhancement