Misr Life Insurance is the largest life insurance
company in Egypt, Africa and the Arab world.
Established in July 2010 the company is the
product of the merger of the life insurance
activities of the oldest and largest insurance
companies in Egypt owned by the state being
Misr Insurance Company, Al Chark Insurance
Company, Al Alia Insurance Company & The
Egyptian Reinsurance Company.
Misr Life Insurance Company is an Egyptian
company, one of the Misr Insurance Holding
companies " Subsidiary of the sovereign fund of
Egypt" subject to the provisions of Law No. 159 of
1981 and its amendments, tax registration
202-444-872, commercial registration No. 60313,
and license No. 3 from the Financial Regulatory
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مصر لتامينات الحياة شركة مصرية احدي شركات صندوق مصر السيادي للاستثمار. و التنمية خاضعة لاحكام القانون رقم 159لسنة 1981وتعديلاته سجل تجاري رقم 60313 وحاصلة على ترخيص رقم 3 من الهيئة العامة للرقابة المالية