ConnectJapan is Asia's #1 Japan higher education platform. After its inception in 2019, ConnectJapan has been recognized as the most trusted platform in Asia, Middle East and Africa. The aim of ConnectJapan is to help people know about opportunities for higher education in Japan and around the world.
With 50,000 followers in social media, ConnectJapan has the most robust social media presence in Asia regarding Japan's higher education. Our Facebook page reaches around 80,000 people with almost 20,000 interactions every week. Our Facebook group has about 27,000 people, with the average post reaching at least 2000 people and getting around 150 engagements and 30 reactions. Apart from Facebook, ConnectJapan also has a strong presence on other platforms, including about 600 followers on LinkedIn and reaching 60+ people. In addition, we have around 100 followers on Twitter with 50+ impressions. Moreover, on Instagram, ConnectJapan has over 500 followers, with 250+ people reaching every post and 100 reactions. Lastly, we are also on YouTube with 200 views per video and 1.6 hours of watch time on our channel with around 300 subscribers. To sum up, ConnectJapan has an impeccable presence on social media, reaching numerous audiences.
ConnectJapan works in two sectors, with students and with companies. First, for students, we provide both FREE and paid services. Complimentary services include guidance regarding higher education, sharing opportunities and building a network through our Facebook group. For paid services, we provide our Premium Mentorship Program, an eight-month program to help students from absolute zero to search, apply, get scholarships, and finally fly to Japan. Secondly, ConnectJapan works closely with different companies, including brands, universities and institutions, to promote, sell or be their autopsied partners. So far, we have worked with over 15 companies with having seven partners around the world.