Aspro is an international company that manufactures and commercialize compression systems for all types of gases. Its products are used in fuel vending stations, Oil & Gas fields and in other industrial applications. Since 1984 and through its worldwide representative network, is present in 45 countries with more than 6,000 compressors.
The quality of our products and services is a priority and strategic objective in our company. We everyday challenge ourselves to satisfy the requirements of our clients, overcoming their needs and expectations. We also challenge ourselves to support and encourage the constant improvement of our processes, throughout the continuous development of the capabilities and competencies of our employees. We everyday challenge ourselves to consolidate a functional organization based in responsibility and self-control, in which every individual is responsible for quality, customer satisfaction and profitability.
We also consider fundamental to care for our people and the environment. Everyday we challenge ourselves to reduce the risks and dangers on the health of our collaborators, in order to prevent damages to their integrity. We challenge ourselves to also contribute to reducing the carbon dioxide print created by our business.
The management commits to satisfy the requirements and constantly improve the efficiency of the integrated management system and satisfy the national and international technical rules and policies in force for the manufactured products in the destination markets. This policy provides a reference frame to establish and revise the company objectives.
Oil and Gas, Architectural, Engineering, and Related Services, Services
HQ Location
Benito Lynch 500
Los Troncos del Talar, Buenos Aires 1648, AR
Sistemas de compresión para estaciones de GNCCompresores de Gas NaturalTableros de ControlSurtidores de GNCAlmacenajesSistemas de compresión para Oíl & GasCompresores Boca de PozoGas Liftand Sistema modular de Transporte de Gas