Fort Lauderdale Behavioral Health Center provides personalized treatment to individuals coping with a mental health disorder, substance addiction, or dual diagnosis. We work with patients on a wide variety of psychological, psychosocial, and emotional issues.
Treatment might begin with the patient, but it doesn’t stop there. Our staff also interacts with the patient’s family members to better understand his or her state of mind.
Mental Health Disorders We Treat:
Bipolar disorder
Anxiety disorder
Co-occurring disorders
Addiction Issues We Treat:
Alcohol abuse
Cocaine abuse
Heroin abuse
Crystal meth abuse
Prescription drug abuse (Xanax, OxyContin, Klonopin, Ativan, Methadone)
Fort Lauderdale Behavioral Health Center is licensed and accredited by the state of Florida, Broward County, and the Joint Commission. Call 800-585-7527 for details on insurance coverage and admissions or to schedule a no-cost assessment. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week