ESMA is a Federal UAE Authority, established by UAE Federal Law (28), 2001. As the only reference in the UAE in terms of quality standards, ESMA's strategy aims at supporting the national economy by establishing a new era of excellence and quality.
ESMA has established Technical Committees in the fields of food products, construction and building materials products, electrical and electronic products, chemical and plastic products, mechanical products, petroleum products and lubricants, and metrology and information technology.
The Emirates National Accreditation System (ENAS) contributes to the prosperity of the national economy including:
ensuring competence of conformity assessment bodies (CABs) operating in the UAE.
building confidence in conformity results issued by accredited CABs.
agreeing on mutual recognition agreements (MRA) with international organizations working in this field.
Conformity Assessment:
ESMA is implementing the Emirates Conformity Assessment Scheme (ECAS) and the Emirates Quality mark (EQM). Under this scheme, local and imported products are verified for compliance against National Standards.
The National Measurement System (NMS) gives ESMA the authority:
to establish, keep, maintain, and continuously improve the national measurement standards
to provide the necessary advice and support to the government, industry, commerce and the public on metrological issues.
to carry out or delegate technical work and coordination in legal metrology.