Mme Maylis Chusseau
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Company Details
Aquitaine Science Transfert is the Nouvelle Aquitaine TTO (Technology Transfer Office). Our mission is to generate economic and social value out of public research, whether it deals with startups creation or patent licensing. Thanks to all researchers in Aquitaine region, we cover all fields of science : health and medical, aeronautics, space and defence, green techs, energy, utilities, engineers science, social and human sciences, etc. We represent our shareholders : University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux INP (publicengineers school), the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM), Pau and Pays of Adour University (UPPA), ESTIA, Bergonié Institute, Bordeaux Universitary Hospital Center (CHU Bordeaux), Bordeaux IEP, Bordeaux Montaigne University and Bordeaux Sciences Agro (BSA). Since our inception, we have helped incorporate 13 startups and put 7 products & services on the market, signed 37 license agreements with private companies, patented 243 technologies and softwares, and signed 2 120 research contracts on behalf of our shareholder establishments. On the whole, we have invested M€ 10.4 in the maturation of technologies and M€ 2.8 in the IP portfolio of our shareholder establishments.
Year Founded
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Research Services, Company globalisation/internationalisation consultants, Services to businesses, Business Services, Scientific Research and Development Services, Services
HQ Location
351 cours de la libération Building A31 (IMS) - 3ème étage Talence, France 33405, FR
technology transferinnovationresearchtechnology licensinginnovation licensingscience transferand research valuationinnovatioresearch valuatiobrain stimulation
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