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About Mme Isabel Roxo
Mme Isabel Roxo is Admin/Finance Director/Manager at Bananas Models in 9 RUE DUPHOT
PARIS, 75001, FR. Bananas Models is a Retail Apparel and Fashion company in 9 RUE DUPHOT
PARIS, 75001, FR with 41 employees
Mme Isabel Roxo Work
Mme Isabel Roxo is the Admin/Finance Director/Manager @Bananas Models
Bananas est l'une des seules agences de Paris exclusivement consacrée aux mannequins hommes.
Créée par Patricia Cadiou-Diehl en 1986, Bananas découvre et représente des mannequins toujours en accord avec les tendances actuelles.
Bananas is one of the only Paris agency exclusively representing male models.
Established by Patricia Cadiou-Diehl in 1986, Bananas discovers and represents models according to the various current tendencies.