Tralalere imagines new ways of putting information technology at the service of children education. Its targets are children between four and seventeen years old as well as their parents, teachers, educators.
Its networks? Double dissemination to the public at large and the education.
Concretely, Tralalere creates cartoons for cross media productions, websites, serious games, not-so-silly games, mobile applications, museographic installations, card games, etc…
On the lookout for changes in digital behaviors of its different audiences, Tralalere’s R&D and creative clusters team up specialists in media use, interface design and software development and integration.
Tralalere boasts a diverse range of talents and innovative capacities in multimedia production, Audio and video animation, interactive education, museum educational displays, but also communication and awareness raising.
Online Audio and Video Media, Audio-visual - production and distribution, Radio and television productions, Leisure, culture and entertainment, Leisure & Tourism, Producers, corporate television programmes (CTV), Film-makers, educational and training films
HQ Location
4 rue de Braque
Paris, 75004, FR
Création de ressources numériques éducativesEditeur éducatifProducteur éducatifEdTechand ESS