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About Miriam Eliden Galindo
Miriam Eliden Galindo is at MTSU Business & Economic Research Center in Franklin, Tennessee, United States. MTSU Business & Economic Research Center is a Research Services company in 1301 E Main St
Murfreesboro, TN 37132, US with 10 employees
MTSU's Business and Economic Research Center (BERC) has conducted research on the regional economy as a public service and on a contract basis for clients from the community.
BERC publishes two quarterly reports: Global Commerce—Tennessee and the International Economy, edited by Dr. Steven Livingston, and Housing Tennessee, in partnership with the Tennessee Housing Development Agency.
Recent research projects for external clients include an economic impact assessment for Habitat for Humanity of Tennessee, an economic and fiscal impact for Cumberland University, a study of Williamson County's population growth and economic dynamics, a benefit-cost analysis of the proposed Cates Landing port rail system, and an economic and fiscal assessment of the city school system in Florence, Ala.
For MTSU, BERC conducts research on the economic impact of the University and its alumni, feasibility studies for prospective degree programs, degree cost estimates, and the impact of federally funded university research and development on economic growth.
BERC director Murat Arik has consulted extensively with local and state government agencies, chambers of commerce, and private businesses. For two decades before becoming director, he served communities across Connecticut and Tennessee as an economic research professional. His research focuses on regional economic trends, international business dynamics, strategic management of resources, and management of innovation. He teaches strategic management to undergraduates. Murat holds a Post-Doctoral Bridge Program (PDBP) certificate in management from the University of Florida, a Ph.D. in international political economy from the University of Connecticut, an M.A. in political science from Syracuse University, and a B.A. in public administration from Ankara University. He serves on the board of directors of Leadership Middle Tennessee ( and the Institute for Global Business Research (
Regional economic trendsInternational business dynamicsStrategic management of resourcesManagement of innovationEconomic researchPublic policy analysisDegree program feasibilityEconomic impact assessmentsFiscal impact studiesPopulation growth analysisBenefit-cost analysisStrategic management teaching
Quarterly reports: Global Commerce—Tennessee and the International EconomyHousing Tennessee reportEconomic impact assessmentsEconomic and fiscal impact studiesPopulation growth and economic dynamics studyBenefit-cost analysisFeasibility studies for prospective degree programsDegree cost estimatesImpact of federally funded university research and development on economic growth
Economic impact studyFeasibility studiesEmerging Industries studiesAnalysisResearchEconomic outlookPublic speakingta centerTennessee State Data CenterGlobal Commerce