In the locality of Os de Balaguer (la Noguera), under the gaze of Montsec and of its exceptional sky, Torrons i Mel Alemany has created a sweet universe. For five generations, the Alemany family has prepared artisan turron, selecting honey from the best beekeepers.
This history of Torrons i Mel Alemany dates back to the end of the 19th century when Mrs Mundeta made sweets with honey and nuts from the area. Given that Montsec is a harsh land, difficult to cultivate, thisactivity was a good alternative for them.
The slow cooking , the local nuts and Rosemary carefully are part of Alemany turron special flavour. Alemany specialises in Monoflower honey which it collects from beekeepers throughout the country.
Innovation in Alemany provides the concept of honey with added value in its gourmet honey line.
Alemany’s turron and honey have been recognised with the Great Taste Awards on many occasions, the most recognized awards worldwide.