Sonans AS consists of Sonans Utdanning (Sonans privatist, Sonans videregående skole, eCademy (Sonans interstudies, online education) and NAKK (Nordic Academy, Karrierehuset og Karrieresystemer). Main business areas are: Sonans Privatist and Nordic Academy.
Sonan privatist is the leading Norwegian private candidate school education provider for young adults who either want to complete high school, improve grades from high school or obtain certain study competencies in order to be admitted into higher education. Sonans also operates one state-financed high school, with traditional 3-year programs for 16-19 year olds. Sonans has over 6,000 students and around 450 employees at 7 locations across Norway.
Nordic Academy, a fully-owned subsidiary, provides courses for the unemployed, mainly as a supplier to the Norwegian employment agency. The goal is to prepare the unemployed individual for a job or further studies. About 4,000 people attend Nordic Academy courses each year with an average of 15-30 people in each class.