Meter&Control manufactures state-of-the-art devices and software for smart energy management in industrial and residential environments. Entire research, development, manufacturing, and verification processes are based at integrated facility in Belgrade.
We produce integrated and modular smart electricity meters with PLC, cellular and NB-IoT communication, modems, disconnectors, data concentrators and gateways, and AMM/AMI software. Products are compliant with the leading industry standards and certificates. They are suitable for massive rollouts and have a proven track record of high-level end-to-end security and of seamlessly integrating into diverse topologies and networks.
Meter&Control solutions support utilities in their efficiency and sustainability goals and help them to keep the pace with fast transitions in the energy market. They enable full integration of prosumers in the energy market and provide detailed consumption data. Meter&Control equip the critical smart infrastructure and provide all players in the energy chain with necessary data and functionalities to enable the green energy transition.