LeadScorz is a Seattle based technology company who provides tools for each phase of your lead-generation and call purchasing programs, including acquisition, routing, analytics reporting, and process management and optimization. Our patent-pending LeadScorz Grading Engine™ precisely grades (A, B, C, D +/-) all your leads in real time. Advanced data science and process automation technology make it easy to pre-qualify, accept/reject, and prioritize third party leads based on each client’s historical conversion performance. The result is Advertisers only buy and act on leads that meet their quality criteria. Customized prioritization and routing rules more effectively process incoming leads to deliver them to the most appropriate sales queue for fastest response. Our self-optimizing grading algorithms are customized to each client and learn by capturing outcomes from their CRM system to update the Grading Engine in real-time, constantly refining purchase decisions and delivering feedback to lead providers.