The Institute for Professional Advancement (IPA) is the organization that delivers and is the accrediting body of certification programs brought forth by the Manufacturers’ Representatives Educational Research Foundation (MRERF).
Graduates of our certification programs, the Certified Professional Manufacturers’ Representative (CPMR) and the Certified Professional Sales Consultant (CPSC) become members of IPA upon successful completion of the training and exams. To remain in good standing, certification holders (alumni) must complete continuing education units, pay annual dues while upholding the IPA Code of Ethics for these certifications.
The Manufacturers’ Representatives Educational Research Foundation (MRERF) is a charitable, educational foundation with a mission to improve the business skills of entrepreneurs working in the independent manufacturers’ representative marketplace.
Independent manufacturers' representatives exist in virtually every industry. In MRERF’s professional development programs, representatives, the manufacturers they sell for, and their distributor partners improve their business skills and sales effectiveness. They agree to uphold a common Code of Ethics.
The Foundation’s goal is to promote the independent manufacturers' representative function as a cost-effective way to get products to market in a wide variety of industries. The rep’s technical expertise, combined with cost savings, provides value to manufacturers and customers alike.