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About Mike Johnson
Mike Johnson is Vice President Of Sales at Vacuum Barrier Corporation in woburn, massachusetts, united states. Previously worked at Vacuum Barrier Corporation as Sales Manager, The Americas. Vacuum Barrier Corporation is a Machinery Manufacturing company in 4 Barten Lane
Woburn, MA 01801, US with 45 employees
Vacuum Barrier designs, engineers, and fabricates liquid nitrogen handling systems in their Massachusetts facility for various applications that include; food & beverage, semiconductor and pharmaceutical & biotech. Working closely with experts in their respective fields has allowed Vacuum Barrier to provide innovative solutions and remains the leader in liquid nitrogen handling systems.
Design and engineering of liquid nitrogen handling systemsFabrication of liquid nitrogen handling systemsHandling systems for food & beverageHandling systems for semiconductorHandling systems for pharmaceutical & biotech
Liquid nitrogen handling systemsInnovative solutions for liquid nitrogen handling
Liquid Nitrogen Handling SystemsLiquid Nitrogen DosingLiquid Nitrogen Systems for MBE InstallationsLiquid Nitrogen PipingPressurizingInertingNitrogenateLN2 DosingLN2 PipingCryogenic Handling