Flowtrack invests in the liquid tokens of digital assets, focusing on protocols with the greatest potential to disrupt or integrate with real world infrastructure and industries.
The fund’s investment strategy is centered on three key pillars:
1) Employing best-in-class infrastructure to ensure security and provide access to liquid tokens.
2) Leveraging momentum factors to identify emerging market trends and relationships.
3) Analyzing fundamental factors such as network effects and product-market fit to pinpoint undervalued protocols or those poised to dominate future market positions.
Investment Management, Financial Services, Other Investment Pools and Funds, Finance and Insurance
HQ Location
31 NE 17th St
Miami, Florida 33132, US
alternative asset managementprivate debtdevelopment and coachingtrading strategiesliquidity miningfinance career coveringbuilding digital assetasset hedge fundfinance careercovering investment banking