Miguel Gouveia
Events Manager & Accreditation Manager at Fpf Federação Portuguesa De Futebol
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Work Experience
2020 - Present · 4 years and 11 months
Events Manager & Accreditation Manager
2018 - Present · 6 years and 11 months
Uefa Women’S Futsal Euro 2022 - Los Match Operations
2022 - 2022
Uefa Champions League - Accreditation Manager For The Loc
2020 - 2020
Company Details
A Federação Portuguesa de Futebol é uma pessoa coletiva sem fins lucrativos, de utilidade pública, privada, que engloba 22 associações distritais ou regionais, uma liga profissional de clubes, associações de agentes desportivos, clubes ou sociedades desportivas, jogadores, treinadores e árbitros, inscritos ou filiados nos termos dos estatutos, e demais agentes desportivos. Tem por principais objetos a representação do futebol português a nível nacional e internacional; a gestão competitiva das Seleções; a organização de competições de nível local, distrital e nacional ou o assegurar do desenvolvimento futebol em Portugal de acordo com o espírito desportivo, valores educacionais, culturais e humanitários, através de programas de formação dos diferentes agentes desportivos. A FPF assegura a gestão de 23 Seleções, masculinas e femininas, nas vertentes de futebol, futsal e futebol de praia, e organiza 36 competições. Portugal tem 180.735 praticantes federados de futebol. PFF is a legal person operating on a non-profit-making basis, with public benefit status, established as a private law association and comprising 22 district and regional associations, one club league, associations of sports agents, clubs or sports societies, players, coaches and referees, registered or affiliated in compliance with its Statutes. It has as main purposes the representation of Portuguese football at national and international level; the management of the competitions of the National Teams; the organisation of local, district and national competitions and the guarantee of the development of football in Portugal in accordance with the sporting spirit and educational, cultural and humanitarian values, through training programmes for the various sports agents. The Portuguese FA ensures the management of 25 men’s and women’s National Teams, in football, futsal and beach soccer, and organises 38 annual competitions. Portugal has 197.000 registered football players.
Year Founded
Social Media
Spectator Sports
HQ Location
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