Y-PEER Egypt is one of the oldest and most populated youth network in the Y-PEER international established and initiated by UNFPA in 2002. Y-PEER Egypt was launched in 2005 with only three NGOs and five active members. It started by conducting small-scale activities and pilot peer education trainings to increase its visibility and introduce its methodology in peer education to stakeholders. By 2019, Y-PEER expanded its reaches, working in 25 different governorates of Egypt with 170 NGOs and youth initiative campaigns as well as 15 universities, Ministry of youth and sports, Ministry of Health and population, National Council of Women and National Population Council. The network includes more than 45,000 peer educators. Recently, Y-PEER Egypt worked on engagement of Syrian youth and young people as part of
Egypt community with the rule of no exclusion. Moreover, to reach out more youth and young people within the concept of edutainment.