I-CAR, the Inter-Industry Conference on Auto Collision Repair, is an international not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing the information, knowledge and skills required to perform complete, safe and quality repairs.
I-CAR is the leader and principal provider of educational programming, technical services, and technical information for the automotive collision repair industry. Formed in 1979 out of a collaboration across the six segments of the collision repair Inter-Industry, I-CAR owns the footprint of the Inter-Industry’s technical education business model. I-CAR serves and collaborates with key industry stakeholders to truly help our industry repair cars right.
That every person in the collision repair industry has the information, knowledge and skills required to perform complete, safe and quality repairs for the ultimate benefit of the consumer.
To deliver increasingly accessible, on-demand and relevant education, knowledge, services and solutions services and solutions for collision repair facilities and the related industry value chain.
EducatioCollision RepairVehicle and Technology Specific TrainingWelding Training & CertificatioIndustry Training AllianceInsurance Network ProgramsGold Class Training SubscriptioRepairability Technical SupportCollision Repair Industry ProtocolBodyShopology