Pathway2Careers is a rising leader and valued education partner in technology-based career and college education services. By tackling complex and relevant issues we offer a unique perspective to drive mission critical change in a community, district, or organization. P2C partners with state and local entities to gather data, understand the policy effect and implications, and develop models that yield high value and actionable results.
Pathway2Careers (P2C) offers a critical bridge between education and industry that can help educators connect with the realities of their local job market. Educators have a flexible framework to explore labor market information and access innovative methods for preparing students for careers. Through the use of straightforward tools, such as the P2C labor market exploration tool, educators can easily identify high-value career destinations for students. These destinations guide the selection of effective resources and materials, available within the P2C framework, that can sustain progress on the path to career-readiness.