CoreSRQ, Inc. has achieved, by virtue of a grass roots community movement, a resurrection of the community-based programs and services that have been enjoyed by the Sarasota community for more than 70 years. In September 2019, the CoreSRQ community surmounted numerous global and secular challenges because of the many dedicated, persistent members of the Sarasota community who refused to allow the Sarasota and Palmer Ranch branch facilities to perish. These branches are considerably more than “gyms” or “fitness centers.” CoreSRQ differentiates itself by offering innovative, comprehensive wellness and community outreach programs that afford members of the Sarasota community the opportunity to reach their full potential in terms of fitness, wellness and community engagement. Our mission is the amplification of broad-based, multi-generational community education and wellness. Through strategic community partnerships and innovative programming, CoreSRQ intends to expand its reach to unserved and underserved members of our community to enhance their physical, emotional and social well-being.