Women Corporate Directors (WCD) is a global membership organization and community of women corporate directors serving on more than 8,500 boards around the world. WCD Foundation has more than 75 chapters around the world, providing excellent opportunities for women directors to connect with and learn from each other on a local, regional, and global level. The organization aims at fostering a powerful, trusted, global community of influential women corporate directors, increasing the representation of women on boards, and inspiring visionary boards by providing education and tools that keep members engaged, informed, and high-performing as board directors.
The Houston Chapter was launched in 2012 and continues to grow, attracting leading Women Corporate Directors.
If you are interested in joining WCD Houston, please contact Beverley Babcock (https://www.linkedin.com/in/beverley-babcock-7a009316b/), Michelle Lewis (https://www.linkedin.com/in/michelle-a-lewis-8a3275/) or Regina Mayor (https://www.linkedin.com/in/reginamayor/)