Tra i website indipendenti non facenti parte di grandi gruppi editoriali o portali, WALL STREET ITALIA e' il n.1 nel segmento economia, finanza, politica e news con un traffico utenti nel 2012 di 16,839,688 visits, 4,172,369 unique visitors e 90,726,253 page views (fonte: Google Analytics, 1 gennaio 2012 - 31 dicembre 2012). Il piu' recente dato di traffico e' riferito al periodo 29 gennaio 2013 - 28 febbraio 2013: Visits: 1,695,416; Unique Visitors: 556,664; Pageviews: 8,302,300 (fonte: Google Analytics). Sul web nel segmento Economia siamo solidamente il sito n.2 in Italia dopo il Sole24Ore (organo dei "poteri forti", delle caste e delle lobby).
Wall Street Italia (WSI) is a leading business, financial and political website in Italy, specialized in news and analysis aimed to institutional and private investors with a global approach. Among independent websites not belonging to big media companies or portals WALL STREET ITALIA is one of the leader in its segment (business/finance/politics). In the year 2012 traffic amounted to 16,839,688 visits, 4,172,369 unique visitors and 90,726,253 page views (source: Google Analytics, January 1st, 2012 - December 31st, 2012). The most recent traffic stats is for the period January 29, 2013 - February 28, 2013: Visits: 1,695,416; Unique Visitors: 556,664; Pageviews: 8,302,300 (source: Google Analytics).