The story of Rare Disease Therapeutics, Inc., is the story of hope vs. reality. We specialize in filling very specific and special medical needs of a small population of adults and children seeking life-preserving therapies for rare diseases. Many of these diseases are not immediately recognizable to even the most astute physicians; therefore, the role of Rare Disease Therapeutics, Inc., must include creating awareness of such diseases and their diagnosis. Unfortunately, the reality is that all too few companies are willing to invest in low volume, low return research programs. Thus the needs of the few are lost to corporate profit/loss statements.
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, Specialty (except Psychiatric and Substance Abuse) Hospitals, Health Care and Social Assistance
HQ Location
2550 Meridian Blvd
Franklin, Tennessee 37067, US
medical affairsdrug designationsmetabolic diseasescritical rolesdisease treatmentoptimize patientdrug commercializationtrial supporttreatment spacedrug submissions