Fabricant français de machines de retordage, guipage (simple/double/inversé), câblage, câblage direct, thermofixation combinée; bobinoirs; système de tirage et de bobinage complet/French manufacturer of twisting, covering (single/double/reverse), cabling, direct cabling, combined heating machines; winders; draw and winding frames.
Perpétue le design reconnu des machines textiles ICBT, RIETER and VERDOL/Perpetuate the famed design of ICBT, RIETER and VERDOL textile machines
Propose une vaste gamme de machines standards, customisées ou spéciales/Offer a wide range of standard, customized or tailor made machines
Expert de tous services Engineering autour des machines ICBT, RIETER and VERDOL existantes (retrofit mécanique/électrique/électronique; conversion automate; adaptation nouveau équipement; déménagement etc...)/Technical expert for Engineering services about existing ICBT, RIETER and VERDOL machines (mechanical/electrical/electronical retrofit; PLC conversion; new equipment add-ons; relocation etc...)
Propose des solutions industrielles ou prototype pour constructions de fil hybride, fil fantaisie, fil de luxe, fil et nappe Carbone, fil acier ..../Provide industrial or prototype solutions for hybrid yarn, fancy yarn, luxurious yarn, Carbon tape and filament, stainless steel yarn...
Textile Manufacturing, Metallurgy and mechanical engineering consultants, Technical offices and engineering consultancies, architects, IT, Internet, R&D, Textile plant and machinery engineering consultants
HQ Location
8, Allée des Mûriers
Guilherand-Granges, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes 07500, FR
Fabricant machine textileEngineering machine spécialeRetordeuse double torsionGuipeuseBobinoir spécifiqueTireurLigne d'imprégnationVente pièces de rechangeDéménagement de machinesRetrofit mécanique/électrique