In 1913 Magnus Hendrickson, started manufacturing commercial trucks in Chicago, Illinois, USA. To meet the demand for robust, durable suspension Hendrickson introduced the first tandem walking-beam suspension in 1926 and pioneered load equalisation principles between truck axles.
From these humble beginnings, today Hendrickson has become a leading global supplier to heavy vehicle industry supplying all major Truck and Trailer OEM’s and producing over 4,000,000 suspensions during this period. Hendrickson’s goal continues to be providing the most technologically advanced and differentiated products available.
Hendrickson Australia commenced operations in 1973, supplying suspensions & axles to Truck, Bus and Trailer manufacturers as well customised heavy-duty suspensions for mining industry. Today, Hendrickson’s Melbourne head office has responsibility for product development within the broader South East Asian Region including facilities in New Zealand, Japan, South Korea and Thailand. Hendrickson’s Australian operation is equipped with advanced Engineering and assembly capabilities, providing tailored products and solutions, ensuring ongoing durability, quality, enhanced driver comfort and optimised weight and operating costs.
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