Verus Commercial Real Estate Finance (VCREF) is a commercial real estate nationwide direct lender in both primary and secondary markets.
VCREF seeks to originate loans that have features and characteristics specifically tailored to accommodate each borrower’s business strategy. Such loans are typically offered with relatively short terms and may utilize floating or fixed interest rates. VCREF aims to make loans across all levels of the capital stack, and it targets many different asset classes.
Verus is a commercial real estate nationwide direct lender in both primary and secondary markets.
We seek to originate loans with specific features and characteristics tailored to accommodate each borrower’s business strategy. Our loans are typically offered with relatively short terms and may utilize floating or fixed interest rates.
At Verus, we pride ourselves on our ability to provide creative and efficient lending solutions with a focus on flexibility that enables us to offer a level of customer service responsive to each borrower’s needs.
Verus Commercial Real Estate Finance is a subsidiary of Verus Mortgage Capital (