E-Aswaaq’s a subsidiary of the renowned group E- finance was launched in 2019.
Guided by a strong vision and values, Easwaaq target is to present/construct robust digital marketplaces that leverage Egypt’s environmental and social factors and connects diverse stakeholders to achieve economic development.
In a relatively short time, E-Aswaaqintroduced Agrimisr, Egypt’s first Agriculture market place into Egypt’s online ecosystem, and within the first half of 2021, Easwaaqis working on launching a specialized portal for SME’s and Egypt’s first wholesale virtual mall for B2B and B2C both combined. E-E-Easwaaq will be integrating all three portals with the best tools for trade, finance, and supply chain collaboration.
Following a customer-centric approach, E-Aswaaqunites all competitive efforts and areas of expertise to push diverse userbase into their optimum potential, by supporting them with convenient technologies and partnerships.