In 2002, four high school buddies harboring a passion and a dream of starting their own business founded Sunfun Info Co Ltd, a company named after sunshine and fun. They created Taiwan's largest dating website, i-Part, and successfully secured its listing on the stock exchange in 2013 (Stock Code: 5278).
Currently, Sunfun Co Ltd is a listed company with more than 70 employees. It has retained its original entrepreneurial passion and core commitment to narrowing the distance between people. It has continued to develop various kinds of dating products, including iPair, a romantic dating APP and SweetRing, a marriage-oriented matchmaking APP. Both were successfully launched into the mobile dating software market within a short period of time.
Moving beyond the on-line world, Sunfun Co Ltd is also collaborating with Japan's super-popular company, IBJ Corporation, to set up IBT. IBT have pioneered a new type of dating activity: "Party ☆ Party. "
Later on, we are planning to introduce a new "Sunfun" spirited product every season. We are also actively expanding our business into the overseas markets. Just as sunshine is contained by no boundary and fun deserves to be shared around world, Sunfun will make its successful launch from Taiwan and charge onto the world stage.