Impuls, the agency for applied utopia, designs and supports transformation processes towards a sustainable, democratic and globally equitable society. This shift requires profound and comprehensive changes in our habits of perception, thought and action. At the level of individuals, organizations and societies. Our mission is to provide consulting services, education, dialogue and innovative change projects to contribute to this great transformation.
As a nonprofit organization, we carry out projects with the aims of training pioneers of change, participatory design of dialogue processes and the development of innovative change projects.
These are some of our recent projects:
• Campaign training for transformative change: A one-year training course with face-to-face modules, online elements, accompanied by practical projects and coaching;
• ‘Energiewende und Demokratie’ (Transition to renewable energy sources and democracy): Development of participatory dialogue processes for the transformation of the energy sector at local and regional levels;
• Youth and Elders Project: Intergenerational Learning for a Sustainable Society, design of mentoring processes. (
We also work as organizational consultants, in the following areas:
• Leadership for Global Responsibility and Sustainability
• Monitoring of transformation and change processes
• Training and education
• Moderation, dialogue and design of multi-stakeholder processes
• Vision, strategy and team development
• Background studies, concept and product development
• Coaching