Stuff U Sell solves the problem of unwanted items for both consumers and businesses. Excess stock, items held in expensive storage units and stuff which won't fit into a new home or a London flat -- all things which can be collected and sold. Customers call us because they want a fair price for what will sell and everything else to go to a good home, but they don't want the hassle of selling it themselves.
A top-rated seller on eBay, Stuff U Sell can get higher prices for goods than casual sellers by leveraging an excellent reputation, professional quality listings and a pricing strategy honed over tens of thousands of successful transactions. We work on commission so we do well when we get higher prices and items which can't be sold are disposed of free of charge, using the most responsible way possible: either by donating to charity, recycling & reusing, selling for scrap or taken away by a licensed waste-disposal contractor.
Consumer Services, Software, technical and scientific, Software, Information Technology, Scientific interpreting
HQ Location
8 Commercial Way
Abbey Road
London, NW10 7XF, GB
eBayExcess inventorySecond-hand goodsand Online sales