The Department of the Premier and Cabinet (DPC) supports the Premier as head of the Western Australian Government.
DPC is responsible for providing quality policy and administrative advice and support to enable the Premier and Government to serve the WA community well.
DPC Functions
The Department of the Premier and Cabinet's Strategic Plan focuses on providing two key outcomes - the administration of Executive Government services and Government policy management.
The areas that provide these services include:
• Policy and Reform
• Infrastructure and Major Projects
• State Services
• Constitutional Centre
• Office of State Security and Emergency Coordination.
Work for Us
If you are looking for a challenging and rewarding career, and working at the centre of Government in Western Australia interests you, then you should consider working for the Department of the Premier and Cabinet.
Working in the Department gives employees a broad overview in areas such as public policy formulation, public administration and state administrative matters.
The Department delivers the following key services:
• providing administrative support to the Premier
• providing administrative policy advice and support to the Ministerial Offices and the Leader of the Opposition
• the promotion of Western Australia's interests overseas
• the communication of Government policies and activities
• the administration of entitlements for Members and former Members of Parliament
• management of the State occasions and official visits program
• providing a secure, confidential and time-critical printing and publishing service for Parliament and Government
• management of exhibitions and programs at the Constitutional Centre.
Employment Benefits
The Department is located next to the beautiful Kings Park, adjacent to the CBD with free transport via CAT services or other bus routes and forms part of the parliamentary precinct.
The Department is focused on providing its employees with flexible work and leave arrangements, to enable our people to successfully balance their work and other commitments. In addition to regular salary increases and employer-funded superannuation, we also offer:
• Leave loading
• Access to salary packaging arrangements
• Ongoing professional development, study/leave assistance
• Leadership development programs
• Wellness program promoting a healthy work-life balance with vaccinations, fitness classes and an employee assistance program