Phil's Friends is a Christian nonprofit organization founded by two-time cancer survivor Phil Zielke in 2006. We bring hope and support to those affected by cancer throughout the United States through Care Packages, Encouraging Cards of Hope and our Hope to Hospitals Program.
Do you know someone who is going through cancer? To request a free Care Package please visit or call our home office at 224-653-8315. Our Care Packages and Cards of Hope are created in our Hope Centers in Addison & Wheaton, Illinois and Crown Point, Indiana. All Care Packages are age and gender specific for men, women and children and ship weekly from our Hope Centers or partnership sites. Over 50,000 Care Packages and 1 million Cards of Hope have be sent out.
We also encourage several volunteer opportunities to serve individually or with a group to promote community engagement and team building. These events can take place at your location or at a Phil's Friends Hope Center.
Volunteer Opportunities Include:
Coloring Cards of Hope
Hosting a Donation Drive
Making Blankets
Making Handmade Cards & Journals
Making Hats & Port Pillows
Our Hope to Hospitals program began in 2013. This program was created to bring hope and encouragement directly to patients & their families.
Phil's Friends is funded 100% by donations with 91% of each donation going directly to programs. In 2023 we were recognized with the prestigious 2023 GreatNonprofits Top-Rated Award.