Enbake Consulting provides professional consulting in the domain of web and mobile applications. We help our clients build and execute their web/mobile business strategy. We help our clients leverage the power of the Mobile and Internet to drive revenue, increase market share, and emerge from their competition.
The services offered include but not limited to:
1. Social Media consulting : Social media applications like linkedin, facebook etc are great tools to promote the business. Our services help you build your brand on these platforms and make your presence felt.
2. Web/mobile product consulting: Team of expert consultants help you design your product to make your presence felt on internet and mobile.
3. Technology Consulting: Our technology consulting services help you to build an architecture around your application to help you strike the market on time and keep your application alive under the heaviest of loads and peak hours so that you dont lose any business.
4. Product Development : We leverage technology(may it be rails, PHP, java, .NET) to take your business to the next level. Our development team will help you turn your product around in the minimum of cost and time estimates.
Information Technology & Services
HQ Location
3rd floor, 10184, Arya Samaj Road,
c/o Vexil, Karol Bagh
Delhi, 110005, IN
Social Media ConsultingMobile consultingWeb Technology ConsultingWeb developmentMobile Development