Mauri Mikkola
Human Resources Manager And Palvelussuhdepã Ã Llikkã at Oulun Kaupunki City Of Oulu
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Work Experience
Human Resources Manager And Palvelussuhdepã Ã Llikkã
Aug 2018 - Present · 6 years and 4 months
Henkilã Stã Johtaja, Kaupunginlakimies And Human Resources Director, City Counsel
Sep 2015 - Feb 2016 · 5 months
Palvelussuhdepã Ã Llikkã And Human Resources Manager
Mar 2013 - Jul 2018 · 5 years and 4 months
Company Details
Oulu. Vesistöjen hellässä halauksessa syntynyt, jalat tukevasti pohjoisessa mullassa seisova juureva, luonnon ehdoilla kehittyvä kaupunki. Pohjoisuutemme on rennonletkeää vieraanvaraisuutta, rohkeita tekoja ja sinnikkyyttä – menestyksen edellytyksiä. Supervoimamme ovat erilaiset ihmiset ja kaupunginosat sekä Oulun seudun rikas luonto. Meillä on tilaa, aikaa ja mahdollisuuksia kohtaamisille, jotka voivat myllertää koko elämäsi. Oulun kaupunki on noin 11 000 henkilön työpaikka – asteen verran parempi, tietenkin. --- Oulu is the largest city in Northern Finland with population of 194 000. Oulu is situated by the Gulf of Bothnia, at the mouth of Oulu River. The name Oulu comes from a word in the Sami language meaning floodwater and the city has been the capital of Oulu province since 1776. Oulu has evolved into a boldly innovative capital of Northern Scandinavia that blends a creative atmosphere with high technology, enterpreneurship and highly skilled people, the unique culture culture of a modern seaside town and a vibrant countryside. Oulu offers impressive range of educational opportunities and the youngest population in Europe, as well as the ability to collaborate efficiently on building competence into international succes stories. And all this in a prosperous city that's just the right size to provide a good, solid foundation for a happy life. Region: Oulu, Finland Coordinates: 65°01’ N, 25°28’ E Time Zone: East European Daylight Time (GMT + 2:00)
Year Founded
Social Media
Public Policy Offices
HQ Location
Oulu, Pohjois-Pohjanmaa 90015, FI
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