The NYC Teaching Collaborative recruits and prepares talented, committed individuals to become effective teachers who raise student achievement and effect change in NYC's highest-need schools.
Every student in New York City deserves an excellent teacher. Many schools in our highest need communities still struggle to attract and retain highly effective educators. The NYC Teaching Collaborative is working to overcome this challenge by providing New York City’s lowest performing schools with access to a pool of passionate teachers who have the opportunity to lead at the grassroots level, leveraging the administration, school staff, and parents/community as partners in their day to day work with students.
The Collaborative gradually immerses Partner Teachers into the teaching profession. Each Partner Teacher receives daily feedback from a Collaborative Coach, weekly visits and tailored support from program staff, and weekly workshops on best teaching practices. This structured approach allows Partner Teachers to spend over four months learning the essentials of great teaching.
Partner Teachers also earn a subsidized Master's degree in Education. Partner Teachers attend coursework part-time while teaching, earning their degree over 2+ years. The degree program is tailored to support Partner Teachers’ immediate work in the classroom while laying the foundation for a career in teaching.
Benefits include:
• Subsidized Master’s Degree in Education
• Starting salary of at least $59,291 and full benefits following successful completion of four month training
• Participants receive a modest stipend from January-June in advance of becoming full-time teachers in the fall of 2020