RCap Equity is a private equity firm which makes control equity investments and select minority investments in lower middle market businesses. We partner with owners and management teams who share our vision of creating long-term value and elevating companies to the next level.
Rcap is dedicated to driving strategic, operational, and financial growth in portfolio companies. We believe the key to building long-term value begins with a collaborative partnership with quality senior management. We rely on management teams to execute and manage the day-to-day operations while we apply our strategic, operational, and industry expertise to enhance company performance. Our role is to ensure that the people, plans, processes and capital are in place to support management and to help create sustainable, long-term value for all stakeholders.
The firm is driven and managed by our core values of honesty, transparency, partnership, hard work and mutual respect.
Our team has decades of experience investing and partnering with business owners and management teams.
Investment Management, Other Investment Pools and Funds, Finance and Insurance
HQ Location
460 E Swedesford Rd
Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087, US
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