In 2018 a group of professional transportation consultants decided they wanted to do it different – take the focus off multipliers and billable hours, and instead provide a place where professionals can grow their skillsets while serving the clients and communities we are fortunate to work with. Since 2018 we have used our 40+ years in the consulting industry and grown our client base to include international airports, universities, manufacturers, and communities ranging in size from 900 residents to over 100,000. No project is too large or too small for our team.
Service areas include - airports, highways, municipalities, and the private sector. While we are a transportation based consulting firm, we also assist our industry partners with development services.
Centurion Planning & Design, LLC is certified as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE). We are also a certified Women's Business Enterprise (WBE) by the Women's Business Council - Southwest, City of Austin, City of San Antonio, Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport, Port Authority New York/New Jersey and the Port of San Antonio.
Centurion is also pre-certified in the following categories by TxDOT -
1.4.1 Land Planning/Engineering
1.8.1 Public Involvement
2.14.1 Environmental Document Prep.
3.2.1 Route Studies & Schematic Design
4.2.1 Roadway Design
8.1.1 Signing & Pavement Marking
10.1.1 Hydrologic Studies
17.5.1 Civil Engineering
18.3.1 Utility Adjustment Coordination
18.4.1 Utility Engineering