Bridgton Academy's mission is to provide a program for young men in a unique, one-year postgraduate environment to prepare for the rigors of college and beyond.
Bridgton Academy consists of an adult community committed to developing the whole student by providing a dynamic and challenging skills-based curriculum, a diverse campus life, and an appropriate extracurricular program to promote mental, social, and physical growth. The Bridgton Academy graduate should have grown through the postgraduate experience so that he enters college with improved confidence, values, judgment, life skills, and maturity to succeed.
Bridgton Academy Values
* Bridgton Academy values intellectual vitality, which is characterized by knowledge, creativity, curiosity, and critical thinking.
* Bridgton Academy values community, which is characterized by a culture which respects ethics and diversity, and which practices caring, empathy, fairness, trust, civility, and collaboration.
* Bridgton Academy values sportsmanship, which is characterized by hard work, fair play, and mutual respect.
* Bridgton Academy values personal and institutional accountability, which is characterized by honesty, openness, clarity, and shared ethical standards.
* Bridgton Academy values excellence in all its endeavors. A continuous pursuit of quality is essential in achieving excellence.