Our company is the worldwide leader in the construction of batch biogas plants for the generation of energy from waste. Since 2003, we have successfully installed more than 50 plants worldwide transforming solid organic waste into electricity and heat or biomethane. As a member of the Eggersmann Group, we do not only provide turnkey plant solutions, but also offer a comprehensive portfolio of recycling machinery.
The key advantages of our technology are:
• simple and robust process due to lack of moving parts
• >99% operational availability
• high safety and emission standards
The typical waste materials that are processed in our plants are:
• green waste
• source separated organic waste (SSO)
• organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW)
• cow manure mixed with straw
Generally, our plants are suitable for waste materials that have a dry matter content of >30% (<70% water). Since our plants are operated with front loaders, materials need to be stackable.
Please see our website http://www.bekon.eu/en/ for details and feel free to contact us with your inquiry.
Renewable Energy Semiconductor Manufacturing, Biomass energy production equipment, parts and accessories, Environmental services, renewable energies, Energy, Environment, Biogas production plant and equipment, Biogasanlagen, Lärmmessungen, Beratung für Energieeinsparung, Umweltschutz-Beratung, Beratung für Biogasanlagen
HQ Location
Unterföhring, Bayern 85774, DE
dry fermentationanaerobic digestionbiogasbatch fermentationturnkey biogas plantsrenewable energywaste to energycompostingand biogas plant maintenance and service